
The Problem

In the heart of Nigeria, a nation known for its richness in culture and diversity, the shadows cast by poverty and inequality have long obscured the brilliance of its greatest natural resource – its children. Behind the statistics and numbers lies a heart-wrenching reality: according to UNESCO, approximately 20 million Nigerian children are being denied the opportunity to learn, grow, and dream. Even more distressing is the fact that over 12 million of these children are girls. This isn’t just a statistic; it’s a crisis that threatens the very future of Nigeria.

The Unseen Suffering

Think about the little girls who have endured the unimaginable horrors of being kidnapped by Boko Haram, their innocence stolen in the darkest of ways. Picture the girls who have been left without parents due to senseless violence, their lives forever scarred by the cruelty of circumstances beyond their control. Consider the girls abandoned in refugee camps, discarded as if they were worthless, simply because they are girls. These are not just stories; these are real, young lives filled with potential and promise, unfairly robbed of their right to education and a brighter future.

Beacon Of Hope

Amidst this bleak landscape, a ray of hope emerged – the David Oyelowo Scholarship Program by GEANCO Foundation. It is a beacon of light in the darkest of times, designed to give these girls the chance they deserve and to nurture a generation of strong, resilient female trailblazers. These are the future leaders who will not only transform Nigeria but also have a positive impact felt across the globe. “We cannot stand idly by while thousands of innocent girls remain under serious threat,” declared David Oyelowo, “With our help, these bright and resilient girls can blossom into Nigeria’s most inspiring leaders in government, education, business, entertainment, and so much more”

This scholarship program was named in honor of David Oyelowo, a distinguished British-Nigerian actor whose passion and vision encouraged the inception of this Intervention for girls. With unwavering dedication, David Oyelowo actively champions this cause in collaboration with GEANCO Foundation. He is committed to both fundraising and raising the crucial awareness needed to make this program successful

Our Vision

The David Oyelowo Scholarship Program envisions a Nigeria where every girl, regardless of her circumstances, has the opportunity to shine. It aims to break the cycle of poverty and gender inequality by providing access to education, mentorship, and support. Through this program, girls who were once marginalized and forgotten will rise as leaders in government, education, business, entertainment, and beyond.As we continue to enrich the minds and bodies of Nigeria’s greatest natural resource, please join us on this transformative journey. Together, we can turn shadows into stars, and stories of despair into tales of hope and resilience.


I was on the verge of being withdrawn from school as my parents were battling with paying school fees for all four of their children after my mother lost her job. Thanks to the scholarship program which was a huge relief, I have the opportunity to attend and excel in the school of my dreams. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to David Oyelowo and GEANCO Family.
Juliet Bede
Before 2019, my parents struggled a lot to provide basic needs for I and my brothers. We missed school a lot, had bad grades and eventually had to drop out and start attending a public school. This scholarship gave me the opportunity to have quality education and all round development. Also, my parents can now save money to send my brothers to a better school and provide our needs.
Chidiogo Vivian
My parents found it difficult to keep up with paying my school fees every term before I became a scholarship recipient. Now, they can focus on my younger siblings. Most importantly, this program has helped me self-develop while ensuring I get standard education.
Precious Umesie